
Milk and Honey

Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

The heart that means to love

The heart that’s meant to love you will fight for you when you want to give up...

Five Unusual Stress Management Techniques

Everyone has a moment in life when they have mammoth tasks to deal with and they have not the slightest clue how to go about it. Be it because you are just out of college and you have no idea where to start looking for a job, or because you just joined college and you do not know how to deal with the transition, they are all stressing situations. When you think about it, life is a series of stages, and since each one is a change and it is new, you do not know how to cope with it. That is the perfect recipe for stress. However, there are human beings with refined minds who decided to put them to use and devise ways to deal with stress. The result? All the ways were ingenious, most work, some do not, but others tend more towards the strange. You will read about some of these ones here.

Date Someone Who Is Interested In You

Date someone who is interested in you. 

Marry Your Best Friend

  Marry your best friend.

Your Zodiac Sign Will Help You Find Your Peace Of Mind

For thousands of years man has been looking to the stars for guidance and knowledge. Astrology dates back to 2,000 BC, and was carefully studied by the ancient Indians, Mayans, Greeks, Chinese and Arabs independently of each other. Not only that, but astrology has been used as a way to study human personality and motivation, such as in psychiatrist Carl Jung’s work.

7 Foods Linked to Cancer That You Should Never Eat Again

Did you know that cancer is a disease that is almost non-existent among certain tribes and indigenous peoples?  Yeah, it turns out that cancer is one of many conditions and ailments that have been brought on by the amenities and luxuries that are afforded by a modern lifestyle.